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Class and Rank Guide

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Class and Rank Guide Empty Class and Rank Guide

Post  Taihaku Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:05 pm

Here will be a guide of all six ranks that will be presented on the forum. This ranking system can refer to man different things ranging from missions, strength, and even technique level. This thread will go over all three of those to make it clear as to what we are searching for. Though this forum will only really be using five of the ranks the sixth and lowest one is thrown in for good measure.

Table of Contents
The Base Ranks
[list][*] Rank list
[*] Rank description

Ninja Ranks
[*] Rank List
[*] Rank description
[*] Promotion guidelines

Ranks From lowest to highest
[list][*] E
[*] D
[*] C
[*] B
[*] A
[*] S
Now first we will be looking at what the rank types mean. This will include what level ninja is around that rank and what missions or techniques are common for someone around that strength level.

E-Rank refers to the most base of ninja techniques. This rank does not classify any type of mission and is exclusively used to refer to Academy Students and the basic techniques they must learn to graduate. These techniques are only difficult if someone has a hard time controlling their chakra but with time performing them becomes second nature to any average ninja. The few jutsu you learn in the ninja academy are the only ones someone at this rank would normally posses. Though since everyone will be starting at the D rank this should not be a problem.

D-Rank qualifies as a low ranking ninja, low level technique, or an easy busy work mission. Ninja at this rank are called Genin and are the lowest level on ninja possible. They are taught to work together in a squad with others who round out their skills and perform missions for the village. These missions normally include things like cleaning the streets or finding lost animals. Experienced D-Rank ninja might be trusted with the task of taking on C-Rank missions under the close supervision of their sensei. This is the level any new character will be starting at.

C-Rank qualifies as a middle position ninja, middle level techniques, and missions that pose some sort of risk to the ninja. The average ninja rank for someone of this level is Chūnin. These ninja can lead missions and squads of other ninja based on experience and skill level. Missions often include things such as being bodyguards, hunting wild animals, or again something else that poses a risk to anyone partaking of the mission.

B-Rank is an in between rank that qualifies as an lower upper level rank. Techniques at this rank are fairly good in terms of combat use and missions can consist of spying or assassination. The ninja rank for this level is upper level Chūnin and low level to average Jōnin. These ninja are recognized as being very skillful, intelligent, and wise capable of leading a large group of ninja in a mission. At this level in missions ninja are expected to go up against enemy ninja during the course of the mission. Jōnin at this level can also be selected to be teachers of a squad of Genin should their village need them to be.

A-Rank classifies a high level ninja, high level techniques, and high level missions. Techniques at this rank are hard to master and can often pose risk to the user often causing them to be forbidden. The ninja rank for this classification is a high level Jōnin who proves to be not only well rounded but also reliable and trustworthy. These ninja partake in missions that can prove particularly fatal and dangerous to complete to anyone lacking in even one area they are rounded in. While the missions are still difficult they are the villages go to for anything the village is in need of.

S-Rank is the highest classification of ninja, techniques, and missions there are. The ninja rank for this level usually ranges from highly experienced and skilled Jōnin to Kage but also includes rogue ninja. These ninja are Kage level shinobi who have left their village of origin and thus have been placed in the villages Bingo Book to be killed and returned to the village. This level of technique is also the highest and is usually always a created technique that only the user or the clan of the user can use. These unique techniques are useful when wanting to use something an opponent has never seen unless they have battled you personally or a member of your clan. The missions at this rank are also the hardest to complete and will often be taken on by highly skilled Jōnin or large squads of ninja.
Ninja Ranks

This will give you the list of ninja ranks there are to obtain within a village and outside of one. There will also be a promotion guideline specifying what you must do to obtain that rank. First comes a list from the lowest rank to the highest.


Rank Descriptions

Genin are the lowest level on ninja and are really only trainees. The rarely if ever will go on missions that put them in any real danger and if they do they are more than well qualified. These ninja are mostly put on missions that will help with the villages Economy and will see the bulk of their combat in training situations. Genin are often placed in four man cells comprised of three Genin and one Jōnin sensei who trains and guides them. They usually stay in these cells until they are promoted but even after that they can be often placed on missions together due to their connections as teammates. Reaching this rank only requires that one graduates from the ninja academy.

Chūnin are a middle level ninja that begin to break into the real ninja world. A step above Genin in every way a Chūnin will be sent on missions that pose danger to the ninja instead of economic work. Chūnin because they have proven themselves capable might be asked to lead low level missions if the Jōnin sensei is unavailable or is on their own mission. Chūnin can be placed in charge of an academy class also in charge of teaching future ninja the fundamentals of a ninja.

To be promoted to the Chūnin rank ninja must participate in the Chūnin Exams. These exams test a ninjas intellect, skills, durability, and potential as a ninja. Someone can "fail" the exams and still be promoted to a Chūnin based off of their performance. Upon being promoted the ninja receives a village flak jacket that is optional or not to wear that holds ninjutsu scrolls. Those promoted are picked by the higher ups of their respective village and the selection is often very hard to get past.

Jōnin are high level generally highly experienced ninja. They serve as military generals and are sent generally on A-rank missions. Highly skilled and experienced Jōnin can be even sent on S-Rank missions. It isn't uncommon for Jōnin to go on missions alone due to their skill and experience. Jōnin are also generally able to use two chakra element types. For a ninja of this level they can be picked to lead a group of Genin to train and teach them about real world ninja experiences. It is their duty to groom their students into fine ninja who can become at least Chūnin and eventually maybe even Jōnin.

To become a Jōnin it is ultimately up to your village heads. Your specific village can have a range of requirements such as time served, missions completed, skills possessed, etc. Your village might also have a Jōnin exam similar to a Chūnin exam but much more difficult. Due to it being the highest official ninja rank that isn't just a title such as Kage becoming a Jōnin is very difficult and rewarding. Most Jōnin have reputations even outside of their village for their skills which can be either good for scare tactics or bad if an enemy is looking for a challenge.

ANBU members are members of a specific village that answer only to the Kage of that village. Its members are comprised of various ninja from the village hand picked by the Kage. Chosen for their unique capabilities and specialized skills race, age, gender, previous rank, or background bear no weight in the decision. This could mean even a Genin could technically become an ANBU member though more than highly unlikely. Ninja in this group wear mask to protect their identity for only the Kage and village elders can know their true identity. These ninja are sent on very difficult missions in groups comprised of other ANBU members that are fit for the requirement of the mission.

Since it is a Kages own word alone that can promote you to such a rank little is known about what is really needed to be done. Generally if you impress your Kage enough with your skill and prowess you might be eligible to attain this rank. You can leave the rank of ANBU at anytime you please presumably if you have proven to be loyal enough to keep its secrets. If you're not trusted enough due to things done while you were an acting ANBU member you might not be trusted with the valuable information gained.

Kage are the strongest ninja in any given village. Their strength and often wisdom are admired by everyone in the village ninja or no. The title of Kage once granted is held permanently. This means if a former Kage retires and a new one takes place the retired Kage would still be referred to as Kage. Kage oversee the smooth running of their village while performing other task such as sending ninja on missions, formulating strategy for battle, and even at its most base protecting the village from any threat. The Kage of any village is the ninja most highly regarded for their skill, strength, and leadership abilities. The family member of a Kage is usually given the honor of becoming a jinchūriki. This is made so that there won't be any missing-nin jinchūriki thus makign sure every village has at least one at all times.

To become a Kage requires much skill, experience, and trust but it is also on the same level a popularity contest. The Kage candidates of a village when there are no Kage are very powerful, have a lot of experience in the ninja world, and finally and probably most importantly liked by their village. If two candidates are placed side by side and have the exact same skill level and experience but one if liked more then that one will probably win. The decision is ultimately up to the Daimyo and village elders but their decision is weighed heavily by the choice of the masses.

Missing ninja are ninja that leave their said village unexpectedly with the intention of never returning. They are classified as missing once their village gains knowledge of their defection and are generally marked for death. A Kage of a village the ninja defected from though rare can grant a pardon allowing the ninja to return as a citizen. Most ninja become a missing-nin because of a criminal act they committed that would lead to their downfall or personal gains. The ninja who defect are usually highly experienced and skilled individuals who can go toe to toe with a skilled Jōnin. This is not always the case though as anyone can become a missing-nin at anytime in their life.

In most cases missing-nin do not get rid of their headband thus can be easily mistaken for a member of their village. It is however common knowledge in the village the ninja came from if they are missing-nin or not. These ninja also have bounties placed on their heads by the Kage to return them so the villages techniques or a clan technique can't be taken from the dead ninjas body.

Wandering ninja are on the exact opposite spectrum of missing-nin. These ninja are allowed to roam the world freely without being tracked by their village. They are left to their own devices and still are allied with their village of origin. These ninja are generally Kage level ninja thus thought of able to handle themselves. Even in the event that they weren't particularly allied with the village but not totally defected either they would be left alone. Their strength alone would allow the village to back down until they have done something against the village or committed some other crime. These ninja can even go back to the village and be given rights to take a Genin from it to train them outside of the village.

This normally would be unacceptable when talking about a regular Jōnin but these ninja are leaps and bounds above. Though they are officially ranked Jōnin since it is the highest rank without becoming a Kage they are at the level of a Kage. This grants them leeway in areas others would get absolutely none in such as that. To become this one need to simply announce they are leaving but not severing ties with tie village. If they are powerful enough there shouldn't be a problem other than some people maybe saying they would rather you stay. But if you aren't powerful enough you might be forced to stay under the threat of being qualified as a missing-nin.


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Join date : 2012-09-16
Age : 31

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